This is really more of a PSA (Public Service Announcement) than anything marketing or PR related, but we thought you might find it useful if we outlined some of the grants and government support packages that are currently available. We know it's a challenging time for many businesses, so hopefully you find something in here that is applicable for you to use however you choose 👇
$5,000 COVID Lockdown Support Grant
Deep Cleaning Rebate (if you or someone you know has been listed as an exposure site)
Hospitality 6-month payroll tax deferral
$5,000 COVID Lockdown Support Grant
Payments can be used for business expenses
Eligibility criteria is very broad and should fit most businesses
Turnover of more than $75,000
Payroll under $10mil
Must have experienced at least a 30% reduction in turnover as a result of the lockdown.
It’s unclear at this stage how you will need to demonstrate it, but I’d recommend keeping a record of accounts, etc. and how the lockdown has impacted you
Grant funds will be paid within 2 weeks of being notified that your application has been approved.
It is expected that all businesses who apply and meet the criteria will be approved for payment.
Applications are expected to open mid August and close in November
Hospitality 6-month payroll tax deferral
Eligible tourism and hospitality businesses that lodge payroll tax returns monthly can apply to defer paying their payroll tax liability for August 2021 for 6 months (or next monthly payroll tax liability if August already paid).
Deep Cleaning Rebate (COVID Exposure Sites)
Small, medium and not-for-profit businesses can apply for a rebate of up to 80 per cent of the cost of professional cleaning (up to $10,000 ex GST), after a case of confirmed or suspected COVID-19 on site.
This includes businesses that may have undertaken this cleaning aligned to the SEQ and Townsville lockdown that commenced on 29 June 2021.